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Boring Pronation/Supination Exercises? Give this one a try

Boring Pronation/Supination Exercises? Give this one a try

Still prescribing boring pronation and supination exercises to your clinic patients? Are you looking for something fresh and different? Then, check out the CanDo Pronation/Supination Wrist Exercise Wheel!

What is the CanDo Wrist Pronation/Supination Exercise Wheel?

The CanDo Pronation/Supination Wrist Exercise Wheel is a therapeutic device that allows the user to perform pronation and supination exercises. This rehabilitative tool works the wrist, forearm and shoulder muscles of people recovering from injury or surgery. It is equipped with a non-slip rubber surface on the outside of the wheel to provide smooth and stable movement during exercise. It also features a comfortable center grip that fits any hand size and can be used with a flexion glove if desired.

The exercise wheel helps you practice repetitive functional movements of your wrists, forearms and shoulders. It requires little force and is ideal for patients just starting rehabilitation. To use, simply roll the wheel for pronation and supination exercises. An off-center rod offers his two travels of short roll or long roll.

What else can the CanDo Pronation/Supination Wrist Exercise Wheel do?

You can create many variations to enhance your treatment plan using the CanDo Exercise Wheel. For example, you can place objects on either side of the wheel and ask the patient to gently touch each object without knocking it over. This helps tackle motor control and stability. In addition, promote postural re-education by having your patient focus on engaging postural muscles (e.g., muscles around the scapulae) while performing exercises. 

Maximize your client's rehabilitation plan, and change the routine by implementing new pronation and supination exercises using the Cando Pronation/Supination Wrist Exercise Wheel. 


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